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                             The Devil Dogs of Kernville


Title: The Devil Dogs of Kernville
Genre: Teen Road trip Supernatural Action Comedy
Screenplay: David M. O’Neill
Locations: Minnesota, Across America, Laughlin, Kernville.


The world sure looks like a different place when one of your buddies makes a deal with the devil.


First in a conceived trilogy, The Devil Dogs of Kernville introduces us to a band of friends whose travels and adventures crisscross the nation in a mad attempt to bury their friend and understand why the Devil is after them with a fever-like vengeance.


Graduating high-school and leaving the small town comforts of Kernville California, five years later, all agree to a cross country “road-trip” reunion spanning the stretches of America in the biggest, juiciest, red convertible they could find!


Curtis Blylven having made a grand deal with the Dark One himself, sets other-worldly elements in motion and the chase is on. It turns out; the drunken stupor that drove Ash Grey to dig up Curtis after the funeral has thrown off the devil’s ability to collect. Now in the trunk and forgotten he was put there the night before, Curtis finds on odd reprieve as his friends have no other choice but to now take the trip and get Curtis re-buried back home again.


By now the Devil is on their tale looking to collect something that was once his. Hunted and assaulted across the great divide is something the great Devil Dogs of Kernville couldn't have anticipated. Following our team of five, our Devil Dogs crisscross the American plains piecing together the clues as to why their dead friend is being chased by Beelzebub – the Lord Demon of flies himself.


Ultimately confronting a 75 foot angry cocktail waitress in the streets of Laughlin Nevada, possessed by the Dark One, our Devil Dogs fully engage with a wrath of their own; undeterred to get their friend buried and one more crack at the devil himself. 

Crosswind Films

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